
Temple Concert


Yesterday, there was a concert on the a-bombpiano at Nagarakuji temple in Nagoya, and it will be the second time i've ever played a piano, and when I played it on this piano, I feel happy to play the piano like this. I am grateful that there is peace now and strongly feel that we should never start a war again, and this time, Mr. Yagawa from Hiroshima I drive my own and carry the bombed piano this time i hold a concert about 10 times and pray for peace in the world this time, the calligrapher was also with me, i played the piano gently by the side, And, it seems to be written with the image and i was pleased that the calligrapher who was able to play very comfortably was also pleased that it was easy to write, too" In my heart with love and dreams", i was able to play with love, i also received encore, everyone was very pleased music healed the heart I hope i can help you even a little through the piano in the future, which will cleanse your mind and make you feel more energetic and enjoyable. Please note that it may be different from the original contents.

Bommel live


Thanks to you, this month we will celebrate the 179th bonmuu live 179th time, i don't remember the first time, but i'm grateful because the mom of Bonmuu had left it as a record, so i'm sure at that time everyone was young and ideas came up with various things to make me "Maetel" At this time, i decided to publish the Maetel newspaper and dinner party and even a trip, but now it is difficult to act together quite much because there are each of the family, and if you have received a good idea from everyone. I would like to consider that there will be various concerts in October, but I would like to make everyone satisfied while devising each concert ( Last Christmas in Sakura Hills) Language this page was automatically translated. Please note that it may be different from the original contents.

10I think on the moon.


I have decided a small goal every month that came well until today this year and I am working to spend every day carefully toward it This year I would like to do without neglecting my efforts every day so that everyone can be pleased with the work of the volunteer concert regular live chanson In October There are also many concerts such as Halloween that will start to tighten the feeling, and I am very much looking forward to spending a fulfilling October Language This page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.

Fun Petit Paris


Petit Paris Thank you very much for all the excitement we sister? Sachin Sachin, who started with a series of bullets and appeared every year at the Paris Festival, is very popular with her aunts, polite and friendly, so everyone loves her and special guest Misako Miura is very attractive to adult women and everyone was intoxicated with her songs and my appearance❣There were a lot of songs with "Love" on the theme of "Love" this time, and there were a lot of songs with "Love", from classical music to Chanson movie music popular songs, and i chose a few songs from among them and i thought that i would enjoy it skillfully. Chaldash" Chigoinel weisen" i was also able to play a song to move your fingers quickly, i came from Hamamatsu was also very excited Mr. Hirano always smile da-tsuki-mi usa-chan was also very popular, thank you very much for the people who always support me i thank you for supporting me and chanson everyone of the meetel club and chanson This page has been automatically translated to aim for a higher level. Please note that it may be different from the original contents.

Thank you Bonmuu


Yesterday we finished safely in the atmosphere of the bonmuu was really thank you every month applause and the chorus is also very happy for our performers enjoy the participants of the corner also singed mr. Sachin of the swan student of the junior high school first grade was great young energy was great and applauded this good season Let's have enough fun, and on the third Thursday of October, please send it to you on the poem piano.💕LanguageThis page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.

Sakura hills Christmas concert


This year, the Sakura Hills concert was decided, and this year i invited the lyricist "Araki and Yohhisa sensei" to the guest, speaking of Mr. Araki, "Leave yourself to the flow of time" It seems to exceed 3000 songs only in the lyrics of Teresa Ten, such as "No tsu", and the music director and the piano are already familiar in the piano, and we welcome Mr. Sakiko Ninomiya of the big success as an opera singer and deliver it to the second piano in the gorgeous member with Mr. Mewa Natsu and Jinwa Kotoe violin Tickets are on sale now 090-8077-0838 Mariko Nishikijo Language This page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may be different from the original contents.

Tokyo Concert


Today is Tokyo In the morning, I sang each song with everyone at a wonderful shop "Nohana" in Inomiya.❓隣の家を壊している最中で大きな地震と間違える位の揺れ方でドキドキハラハラしながらの歌会でした(笑)でも歌っている方はもちろん立って歌われますのであまり揺れは感じなかったらしく思いを込めて一生懸命歌って下さいました終了後 自宅に戻り 新幹線で東京へこれがきのうでしたら大変でしたねニュースで被害状況を報告してましたが本当に恐ろしいですね被害に遭われた皆様には心よりお見舞い申し上げます毎回 こういう自然災害 どんどん規模が大きくなり 予想もつかないほどの被害をもたらしますね非常時に対しての対策などを家族や地域の皆さんと話し合っておくことが必要と今更ながらですが思います今日新幹線のチケット買う時も場所によっては遅れているということでした私は無事東京に着きましたのでやれやれですこれからコンサート会場へLanguageこのページは自動的に翻訳されました。元の内容と異なる場合がありますので、ご注意ください。



Autumn insects are starting to squeal, cute from the grassy area. It is a sequel of the live in September that I told you the other day that a cool voice will be heard (the bottom two are live on the same day) In these two live, cute rabbits are waiting for everyone's outing Cute rabbit's Moon watching dumplings By all means Please go out to look forward to it Language This page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.

9Monthly Announcements🎹


秋風が心地よい感じで頬を撫でて通り過ぎて行きます良い季節ですねこの秋はいろいろコンサートを皆様にお届けできるといいなぁと思っております① 9日 月曜日 9時 野の花(一人ずつピアノに合わせて楽しく歌います)② 11日 水曜日 7時 プチパリ ライブ③ 13日 金曜日 9時 尾張旭公民館 ピアノ伴奏で 楽しく歌う④13日 金曜日 13時半 尾張旭公民館 シャンソン⑤ 16日 月曜日 童謡唱歌を歌う会 尾張旭公民館⑥ ボンムウライブ⑦ プチパリポエムピアノライブ⑧ 24日 火曜日 アジアナコンサート(シャンソンの皆様が楽しく歌われます)皆様の是非お出かけ下さいね連絡先 錦城まりこ 090-8077-0838お待ち致しております🎹Bon muu and Petit Paris Poem Piano Live are waiting for your request Request Please contact Mariko Nishikijo 090-8077-0838Langage This page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.

Funny Pictures


There was an interesting photograph when I arranged the photograph, and I think that everyone will see it before erasing It is not always playing in the garden like this when I come back, isn't it that two people are fighting, I tried to pull them away in a hurry, but the next one was no good" The cat of "Wild Flowers" this is a Dogyama hotel that closed the curtain on the history of 54 years the other day, and the last time I stopped the car in Bonmuu, a small bird got on the bonnet And the last one was the Inuyama Hotel that closed the curtain on the history of 54 years The last time I could not read the standing tag Language This page was automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.